What is an INFP

11 May

First post!
-Well, to sum it up, what being an INFP entails from Wikipedia (the godhead of ‘stuff’ information)
INFP profile of common traits [citation needed]

“INFPs are often drawn to the unusual, taking special enjoyment in interesting or humorous anecdotes and stories. Although they are polite and enjoy conversation, they are sometimes hard to get to know. However, they care deeply for those who are close to them and are often willing to make personal sacrifices for people who are in their inner circle. They have a gift for consoling people who are upset or worried. INFPs often appear flexible and cooperative unless one of their values is violated. They tend to prefer professions that express their values in some way; they are usually not content to work for a pay check unless there is also some meaning in what they are doing.

INFPs are creative, constantly seeking out new possibilities. They have a gift with language, which they usually express through writing. Their intuitive preference supplies the imagination, and their feeling preference supplies the desire to communicate. Gifted at interpreting symbols, they are drawn to metaphors and similes. They adapt well to change and to new ideas.

INFPs treasure their privacy and may keep to themselves. They need time and space for reflection. They can be extremely patient with complicated issues but may become impatient with routine and details. INFPs may not always be organized, but they are generally meticulous about things having to do with their interests and values.

INFPs strive for perfection. They may have trouble finishing a project because they never feel it is good enough. Even when the project must be finished, they may go back and improve on it later.

INFPs find it easy to convince others and sway opinions because of their tactful and diplomatic way of speaking. People often find it easy to get along well with INFPs. When INFPs want to be social, they can be charming and funny, making them a pleasure to have around. They strive for harmony and despise conflict. They are often good negotiators because of their preference for harmony and their ability to see things from different points of view.”

6 Responses to “What is an INFP”

  1. nkuepfer April 30, 2017 at 11:41 pm #

    I know I’m late in the game here… but I stumbled across this blog as an INFP. I have never read such an accurate description!

  2. Lune November 29, 2012 at 3:06 am #

    AHh You know the part about being somewhat secretive, hard to get to know, liking privacy? It’s really uncomfortable to be defined so exactly.

  3. iorekbetameche May 23, 2011 at 11:11 am #

    This might be the nth INFP description I’ve read and perhaps the nth description to which I can relate verbatim.

    Looking forward to more of your posts of intricacies, and peculiarities. Good Day!

  4. lawwyy September 12, 2010 at 10:53 pm #

    ok this is me, love ur description

  5. Mohamed September 1, 2010 at 2:50 pm #

    Wow, nice description…I love reading about INFP traits.
    I’m looking forward for more posts!


  1. Myers Briggs « Flairista - August 7, 2011

    […] preference for harmony and their ability to see things from different points of view.” (credit: https://survivinginfp.wordpress.com/2008/05/11/what-is-an-infp/) LikeBe the first to like this […]

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